
Practical Implementation Steps for Revised Swiss Data Protection Act

Niederer Kraft Frey Ltd, Bahnhofstrasse 53, 8001 Zurich – 8:00 am

The revised Swiss Data Protection Act and its Ordinances will come into force on 1 September 2023 without any transitional period.

In our Workshops we shall discuss:

  • Initial practical experiences and challenges in implementing the revised DPA
  • New guidelines from the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (EDÖB) and associated fees
  • Penalties and enforcement measures
  • Determining the need for a Data Protection Officer (DPO).
  • Understanding the new EU-US Data Privacy Framework and its implications for Switzerland

These Workshops will be limited in size in order to facilitate informal discussions and exchanges. Hence spots will be allocated on a first come – first served basis.

Language: English

Practice Areas