Simon Bühler is a banking and regulatory specialist who advises Swiss and international clients on a broad spectrum of regulatory matters and financial transactions. His expertise covers advising banks, insurance companies and financial institutions on licenses (including FinTech), regulatory, civil law and compliance matters. Simon also supports clients in internal investigations and represents them in contentious regulatory matters, such as enforcement.
Deals & Cases
Non-contentious regulatory matters:
Simon is advising and representing banks, insurance companies, aircraft and shipping services, securities houses, asset managers and non-supervised corporations on regulatory, civil law, sanctions and compliance (esp. AML, anti-corruption) issues. He is regularly involved in the authorization of new financial institutions (including FinTech), mergers and acquisitions in the financial industry, derivative transactions, bank recovery and resolution, IT/outsourcing, civil law, sanction and compliance matters.
Contentious regulatory matters:
Simon’s practice includes internal corporate and regulatory investigations, white collar crime, regulatory enforcement and investigations and litigation in the financial sector. He has worked on large cross-border investigations initiated by Swiss and U.S. authorities, has conducted comprehensive reviews and represented clients in enforcement proceedings brought by the Swiss supervisory authorities FINMA and the CDB Supervisory Board, and, in cooperation with international counsel, by other regulatory and law enforcement authorities. He further represents clients at the Federal Administrative Court and the Swiss Supreme Court against FINMA decisions and before civil courts in litigations involving regulatory, code of conduct, AML/corruption or contractual matters in the financial sector.
- Neuere Entwicklungen im Wealth Management in: Finanz und Wirtschaft — Legal Success, 23. March 2024
- Siegelungsrecht bezüglich FINMA-Enforcement Akten? In: GesKR 3/2022, S. 394 ff.
- Insurance Supervision Act: Proposed New Rules regarding Distribution of Insurance Products (Point of Sale) and Insurance Intermediaries, 2020 in: CapLaw 06/2020, P 10-17 (8 Pages)
- Switzerland’s New Financial Market Architecture (3rd Edition / 2019) in: NKF Publication #21
- Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Finanzmarkt- und Bankenrecht in: Olivier Hari (ed.), Aktuelle Anwaltspraxis 2017, Berne 2017, 325-337
- Kommentierung der Artikel 86 und 87 FinfraG in: Rolf Sethe et. al. (ed.), Kommentar zum Finanzmarktinfrastrukturgesetz (FinfraG), Zurich 2017
- OTC-Handel mit nichtkotierten Aktien in: Dissertation Zurich 2016
- Positive Beschlussfeststellungsklage in: SZW 86/2014, 564-572
- Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Finanzstabilität in: Hans Caspar von der Crone/Jean-Charles Rochet (ed.), Finanzstabilität: Status und Perspektiven, Zurich 2014, 1-43
- Trennung zwischen dem Zivilverfahren und dem Verfahren der Finanzmarktaufsicht in: SZW 85/2013, 563-575
- Der Fluch des Gewinners in der öffentlichen Beschaffung in: AJP 5/2012, 685-697
- Die Konzession als überholte Rechtsfigur? in: Isabelle Häner/Bernhard Waldmann (ed.), Die Konzession, Zurich 2011, 105-122
- Einseitige Einführung des Cassis-de-Dijon Prinzips durch die Schweiz: Vereinbarkeit mit WTO-Verpflichtungen in: Anne-Cathrine Tanner et al. (ed.), Schweiz und Europa – Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft, Recht und Gesellschaft, Berne 2011, 305-336